Social: There is a prevailing social strata in Bali is often called the caste, the Brahmin, Kshatriya, weysya, and sudra. Family kinship group is the smallest known kuren Batih. Where they are in an economic union or a meal in the kitchen. Balinese people also know a single clan called dadia.
Art: Bali always show ritual and beauty into an art form. Fine arts and sub elements berunsur sacral art is art (sculpture, painting), the art of sound (old gamelan, gamelan and gamelan MADIA new), dance (dance trustee, bebali dance, and dance-balihan balih), literary arts (puppet), drama and art (gong).
Economy: Most of the Balinese to conduct farming activities in meeting their daily needs. There is also another, namely farming, gardening which usually produces coconut, coffee, cloves, kapok, cashew nut, and tobacco. There are also other livelihood is domestic industry, fishing and trade. Balinese society is very prosperous seen from the rapid development of tourism in Bali.
Religion: The Balinese are generally Hindus who originate in Wedha holy book, which is the revelation of Hyang Widhi or God Almighty. There is a shrine to Hyang Widhi including incarnation called the temple. There are so many kinds of religious ceremonies conducted by the Balinese. As a whole can be divided by five kinds of ceremonies (five yadnya) is Yadnya Man, Son Yadnya, Yadnya Gods, Rishis yadnya, and Blind Yadnya. The Balinese believe in various gods and spirits are honored in various ceremonies bersaji.
Recourse Literature :
Melalatoa, M. Junus.
1995. Ensiklopedi Suku Bangsa di Indonesia. Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, hal. 96-107
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