Art: The art of traditional Bima kadanda Buja is a typical dance of the now almost extinct and has been considered by local governments as well as the typical tribal war dance bima and race horse racing is a form of art other than the interest stirred the bima are very competitive people Bima.
Economy: The main livelihood is farming community Bima tribe and had become the golden triangle of agriculture with Makassar and Ternate in the days of Empire. Therefore, the relationship is very close to Bima and Makassar, as in the days of Empire, the two kingdoms are inter-married sons and daughters of their kingdom (
Religion: This tribe is the majority embraced Islam, and is known as a devout tribe will practice Islam in Southeast islands of Indonesia. The original belief of the Milky called pare no bongi, namely the belief in ancestral spirits. Although the majority of people embraced Islam Milky, Milky tribe still believe the world is frightening spirits. The spirit world to be feared is the Ganges Batara as the god who has enormous power as a ruler, Guru, Idadari magic and User Name, Bake spirit and the spirit of Jim who lives in the trees, the mountains are very large and powerful to bring about disease, disaster, etc.. They also believe there is a large tree in Kalate are considered sacred, Murmas where the gods of Mount Rinjani; the residence of the Batara and goddesses. While the eastern part of the Milky tribe converted to Christianity.
Social: the rate is very competitive bima visible from the art race horse racing, to realize the value of harmony, and harmony are very beautiful look.